Red Bull Wings for life
About the project
I designed and animated the medical 3D animations to show the effects of the primary and secondary injuries after a spinal trauma. This was very interesting to work on as I had multiple skype conferences with the specialist on spinal cord injury to learn what's really happening. That was necessary because I had a very tight deadline for these animations and there was not much space for changes. I used Element 3D for all of the animations, which was the only possibility to meet the project schedule. The camera rig system of Maltannon also helped a lot and made life easier for me.
"The documentary tells the story of how the charity “Wings For Life” began and its work in the fight against paraplegia. It sheds light on the daily struggles of those who suffer and shows the global involvement of science and research, in pursuit of a cure for patients with spinal cord injuries. A compassionately made affirmation of life." -Die Mediengesellschaft
Client: Die Mediengesellschaft
Product: Red Bull - Wings for Life Documentary
Animation: Jürgen Rabatscher

Breaking a neck
This shot in particular was very time consuming as I had to animate the neck and break the bone. The skeleton was not ready to animate so I had to rig the thing first, animate it and then export the OBJ sequence to later use it with Element 3D. Turns out, the more complex your model, the more individual save-files you should have because it gets hard to manage this many polygons as a sequence in fullHD and Element 3D with depth of field... After Effects crashed... A LOT.

Watch the documentary. A lot of work went into the project and its important that people know about the wings for life foundation and what they do. Enjoy!