Raiffeisen Clubkarte
About the project
3D animation for the youth department of Raiffeisen. I built a 3D model of the card and animated a displacement map in After Effects to control the amount and timing of the displacement, exportet the whole thing as an OBJ sequence and finally used Element 3D for animation.
Client: Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG
Software used: Adobe After Effects, Element 3D, Particular

Total control
You can see in the image above that the displacement was driven by an animated BW map I made in After Effects. Once the 3D model of the card was detailed enough it could go through the whole displacement magic. I exported the 2 seconds as an OBJ sequence and imported it in Element 3D where the card got the final look with lights, reflection maps, shadows and contrast.

The rest of the animation was pretty straightforward. I established a few shots with macro views and animated the whole thing with one null object. I used Trapcode Particular to built some sort of a comicstyle smoke trail.

Adding the big stuff
The card gets filled up with topic related objects. For concerts and festivals instruments are falling into the card and for some other displays they wanted some logos in there to emphasis on the advantages of a membership.

Other animations
Hopefully there will be more animations with different stuffings in the future. I will post them here so come back some time ;)